Employer instructions: adding an ADR certificate to the XS-Key (CargoCard)

  1.  Log in to XS-ID Online: Go to the XS-ID Online login page. Enter your login details and select Login.
  2.  Select XS-ID users in the main menu at the top right and then search and select the relevant employee.
  3.  Click Edit qualifications at the bottom right of the "Trainings or Instructions" section.
  4.  Select Add Manually to add a new certificate.
  5.  Under “Scope” please select ADR and select the appropriate ADR type. Finally, enter the validity of the certificate. Important to know! It is necessary to always add an ADR basic certificate if you also want to add an ADR Class 1, ADR Class 7 or ADR Tanks.
  6.  Select Upload to attach the certificate and click OK.
  7.  Confirm by a check mark to ensure that all information has been entered correctly and then click Next to return to the overview.
  8.  You will now go to the overview page. Select Submit to make and confirm the changes.
  9.  Done! The ADR certificate has now been added to the XS-ID!

 Please note: it is now up to the employee to carry out the final steps.

Card user instructions: adding the ADR-certificate to the XS-Key (CargoCard)

Your employer has added an ADR certificate for the transport of hazardous substances. Follow the steps below to add your ADR certificate to your XS-Key (CargoCard)!

  1. Please Check if you have received a No Reply email stating that your employer has made a change. Please note! Do not forget to check your spam box! Did you not receive an email? Please contact your employer.
  2. Click here to log in with your XS ID (username) and password. You can find and set your XS-ID number and password in the No Reply email that you have received.
  3. View the open request at the top of the page and click check to check the request.
  4. Is all the information correct? Please select Yes and then click OK. You will soon receive an email confirmation.
  5. Did you receive an email confirmation? If yes, please go to one of the activation points to physically add your ADR certificate to your XS-Key (CargoCard). Click here for all activation points.

Please note: bring your XS-Key (CargoCard) to the activation point.

  1. Go to the security guard at the activation location to have your ADR certificate added to your CargoCard.Done! Your ADR certificate has now been added to your XS-Key (CargoCard). You're ready to hit the road!